It is widely anticipated within the sewage treatment and waste water treatment industry that a license will be required for all owners of any type of sewage treatment system in Ireland.
Presently only industrial and commercial scale effluent discharge requires the appropriate license(s), however as the EU implements its continued environmental policy changes home owners will likely be expected to ensure their sewage treatment complies with any impending regulations and it’s widely expected a sewage license will be one of the outcomes.
In anticipation of this many home owners have already begun to have in particular their Septic Tanks serviced and checked as these would be the most basic forms of sewage treatment and most widely used in rural Ireland.
As soon as further updates become available from the relevant bodies, H&S Environmental Ltd will announce any such regulations here. Meanwhile, you can send us a brief email with your name and number here and we will keep your details on file and contact you immediately upon any confirmed changes to legislation.